Dedicated Chrome Profile for Forensic OSINT

OSINT Terms & Definitions

OSINT TermDescription/DefinitionPlatforms/Applications
AlgorithmAn algorithm is a set of rules or procedures a platform uses to sort and display content.All major platforms
AnalysisExamination and interpretation of collected data to derive meaningful insights.Not specific to a platform; applicable across various platforms
AnalyticsAnalytics involves the tracking and analyzing of data related to user behavior and engagement.All major platforms
AnonymizerA tool to make the user's internet activities untraceable.Tor, VPN services
AvatarA graphical representation of a user, such as those used in forums and online gaming.Social media, gaming platforms
Chain of CustodyLegal or procedural documentation regarding the handling of evidence.Legal and investigation contexts
ChatbotA software application used to conduct an on-line chat conversation via text or text-to-speech.Various platforms
Check-InCheck-ins allow users to share their location at a particular place or event.Facebook, Swarm
Click FraudThe practice of repeatedly clicking on an advertisement hosted on a website to generate revenue.Various online platforms
ClickbaitClickbait refers to sensationalized headlines or content to entice users to click.All major platforms
Collaborative FilteringCollaborative filtering is used to make automatic predictions about user interests.YouTube, Amazon
Community GuidelinesCommunity guidelines are rules governing behavior and content within a platform.All major platforms
Content Discovery PlatformTools used to discover, curate, and display content from a variety of sources.Various platforms
CookieA cookie is a small piece of data stored on the user's device by a web browser.Various websites
Creative CommonsCreative Commons is a public copyright license that allows free distribution of copyrighted work.Flickr, Wikipedia
Credential StuffingAutomated injection of breached username/password pairs to gain unauthorized access to user accounts.Various online platforms
Cross-Site Request ForgeryForcing an end user to execute unwanted actions on a web application they are authenticated in.Various websites
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)Injecting malicious scripts into websites to run in another user's browser.Various websites
CrowdsourcingCrowdsourcing involves obtaining input or funding from a large number of people, typically online.Kickstarter, Indiegogo
Cyber StalkingThe use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual or group.Various online platforms
Dark WebThe dark web is a part of the internet that is not indexed by traditional search engines.N/A
DashboardA dashboard is a control panel that provides a view of key performance indicators.All major platforms
Data MiningThe process of analyzing large data sets to identify patterns and relationships.Various databases
Deep WebParts of the World Wide Web that are not indexed by traditional search engines.N/A
Discreet IdentityName given on a social networking site for the purpose of gathering intelligence.Various platforms
Discreet NetworkNetwork that conceals the user’s IP address and does not readily attribute to the agency.Various platforms
DisinformationDisinformation is the deliberate spread of false or misleading information.All major platforms
DM (Direct Message)A DM is a private message sent between users.X (Twitter), Instagram, Facebook
DNS EnumerationGathering detailed information about a domain.Various online platforms
DoxingDoxing involves researching and publishing private or identifying information about an individual.Various online forums
EmbedEmbedding means placing a link to a video, image, or website within another site.All major platforms
EmojiSmall digital icons used to convey emotions, ideas, or reactions in posts and messages.All major platforms including Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, WhatsApp
EmoticonAn emoticon is a text-based symbol used to convey an emotion, such as :) or :(.All major platforms
EncryptionEncryption is the process of converting data into code to prevent unauthorized access.All major platforms
End-to-End EncryptionEnd-to-end encryption ensures only the sender and receiver can read a message.WhatsApp, Signal
EndorsementAn endorsement is a public or social declaration of support or approval, often seen on LinkedIn.LinkedIn
Engagement RateEngagement rate is a metric that measures interactions with content as a percentage of total followers.All major platforms
Explore PageAn explore page is a section where users can discover new content and accounts.Instagram, YouTube
Fake NewsFake news refers to intentionally fabricated or misleading information presented as genuine news.Facebook, X (Twitter), Reddit, various online news platforms
FeedA feed is a continually updated stream of content such as news, posts, and updates.Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram
FilterA filter is a digital effect applied to an image or video.Instagram, Snapchat
FingerprintingGathering detailed information about a device or system based on its data and behavior.Various tracking services
FirewallA firewall is a system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic.N/A
FollowThe action of subscribing to another user's profile or content updates on a social media platform.X (Twitter), Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn
FollowerA follower is a user who subscribes to another user's profile to receive their updates.X (Twitter), Instagram, Facebook
FootprintingGathering information about a target system to find ways to intrude into the system.Various online platforms
ForumA forum is an online community where users can have discussions on various topics.Reddit, various online forums
FriendA friend is a connection between two users on a social media platform.Facebook
GeofencingA location-based service that triggers an action when a device enters a set location.Various mobile apps
GEOINTUsing geographical information to analyze and interpret intelligence data.Not specific to social media platforms; relevant in geospatial intelligence fields
GeolocationDetermining the real-world location of an object, such as a mobile device.Various mapping services
GeotaggingGeotagging involves adding geographical information to content like photos.Instagram, Facebook, X (Twitter)
GIFA GIF is an animated image file that plays in a loop.Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram
Google AlertsA tool that sends out email alerts when new content matches specified search terms.Google Alerts
Google DorkingUsing advanced operators in the Google search engine to locate specific strings of text.Google search engine
GroupA group is a community of users who share common interests or goals.Facebook, LinkedIn
HandleA handle is a user's unique username on a social media platform.X (Twitter), Instagram
HashtagA hashtag is a keyword or phrase preceded by the # symbol, used to categorize content.X (Twitter), Instagram, Facebook
HUMINTHuman Intelligence, gathering information through interpersonal contact and engagement.Social engineering contexts
HyperlinkA hyperlink is a link from a document to another location or file, typically activated by clicking.All major platforms
ImpressionsImpressions refer to the number of times a piece of content has been displayed, regardless of clicks.All major platforms
InfluencerAn influencer is someone who has the power to affect purchase decisions due to their popularity.Instagram, YouTube, X (Twitter)
Insider ThreatA security threat that originates from within the organization being attacked.N/A
Intelligence CycleThe intelligence cycle is a step-by-step way that intelligence agencies and groups follow to collect, study, and share information. They do this to help with making decisions, planning operations, and doing other important tasks.Not specific to a platform; applicable in various intelligence and research contexts
InterfaceAn interface is the point of interaction between a computer and a person or system.All major platforms
IP AddressAn IP address is a numerical label assigned to a device in a computer network.N/A
Joe JobA spamming practice that sends out unsolicited emails, making it appear that they were sent by someone else.Various platforms
KeyloggerA keylogger is a type of software or hardware used to capture keystrokes.N/A
Landing PageA landing page is a standalone web page created specifically for a marketing campaign.Various websites
LikeA 'Like' is an expression of approval or support for a post or page.Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, LinkedIn
Link FarmA group of websites that all hyperlink to every other site in the group.SEO practices
Live StreamLive streaming is the broadcasting of live video to an audience over the internet.Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, Instagram
Live StreamingBroadcasting video content in real-time over the internet.Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Twitch
Location-Based MarketingMarketing that targets customers within a certain geographic area.Various mobile apps
Logic BombMalicious code that is triggered by a specific event.Various software
MaltegoA tool used for open-source intelligence and forensics.Maltego platform
MalwareMalicious software designed to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to a computer system.Various platforms
MalwareMalware is malicious software designed to damage or exploit devices or networks.N/A
MemeA meme is an image, video, or text that is copied, modified, and spread by users.All major platforms
MemeA meme is a humorous image, video, or text that is spread rapidly online.Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram
MentionMentioning refers to tagging another user's profile using the @ symbol.X (Twitter), Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn
MetadataMetadata is data that provides information about other data, like creation date of a file.All major platforms
MicrobloggingPosting brief and frequent updates to a personal blog.X (Twitter), Tumblr
MisinformationMisinformation refers to false or inaccurate information that is spread, often unintentionally, through various means such as social media, news outletsAll major platforms
MitigationThe act of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.Risk management, security
Multi-Factor AuthenticationUsing multiple forms of verification to prove identity.Various online platforms
Multifactor AuthenticationMultifactor authentication uses multiple forms of identification for security.All major platforms
MuteMuting allows users to hide another user's content without unfollowing or unfriending them.X (Twitter), Facebook, Instagram
NetworkA network refers to connections between individuals, computers, or profiles.LinkedIn, Facebook
Network AttributionThe place where your digital footprint associates toVarious platforms
News FeedA news feed is a continually updated stream of news and posts.Facebook
NodeA connection point in a network that can receive, send, create, or store data.N/A
NotificationNotifications are alerts or updates about activity related to a user's account or content.All major platforms
Open PortA network port that is configured to accept packets.N/A
Open SourceOpen source refers to something that can be modified because its design is publicly accessible.Various platforms
OPSECShort for Operational Security, a term that originated from the U.S. Military. Over time, OPSEC has been taken up by numerous groups and industries to protect important information in different situations, not just in the military.Applicable across various platforms and industries for security purposes
OSINT FrameworkTools and methodologies used in the process of collecting and analyzing open-source intelligence.Various platforms and tools
Page ViewA page view is a metric that counts the number of times a web page has been loaded.All major platforms
Passive OSINT (Reconnaissance)Open-source collection without directly interacting with the target to gather information about them using publicly available information.Various platforms
PhishingPhishing is an attempt to deceive individuals into revealing personal information through fake websites.Email, fraudulent websites
PinboardA pinboard is a collection of ‘pins’ or bookmarks used to organize information.Pinterest
PlaylistA playlist is a collection of videos or music tracks.YouTube, Spotify
PluginA plugin is a piece of software that adds specific functionalities to an existing program.Web browsers
PodcastA podcast is an audio or video file that can be streamed or downloaded.iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts
PostContent shared by a user on a social media platform, which can include text, images, videos, links, etc.All major platforms
Privacy PolicyA privacy policy is a legal document that explains how a company uses personal information.All major platforms
Privacy SettingsPrivacy settings control who can see or interact with a user's content.All major platforms
ProfileA profile is a user's personal page, containing information like bio, photos, posts, etc.All major platforms
QR CodeA QR code is a type of matrix barcode that can be scanned using a smartphone camera.Various apps and services
ReportingReporting is the act of flagging content or users that violate community guidelines.All major platforms
Research AccountResearch accounts also known as sock puppets are online fictitious identities used to conceal the true identity of the OSINT investigator and to gain access to information that requires an account to access.Various platforms
RetweetRetweeting means sharing someone else's tweet on X (Twitter).X (Twitter)
RSS FeedAn RSS feed allows users to receive updates to web content in a standardized format.Various websites
Screen CaptureScreen capture is the act of taking a screenshot or recording of what's displayed on a screen.N/A
ScrollScrolling refers to moving up, down, or across the screen to view content.All major platforms
Search EngineAllows a user to search on the World Wide WebGoogle, Bing, Yahoo
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)Search engine optimization involves strategies to increase the visibility of a website in search results.Various websites
Sentiment AnalysisUsing algorithms to determine the mood or attitude expressed in a piece of text.Social media analysis
SERPSearch Engine Results Page, the page displayed by a search engine in response to a query.Various search engines
SessionA session is a single, continuous period of interaction with a website or app.N/A
ShareSharing involves disseminating content to other users on a platform.Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, LinkedIn
ShodanA search engine that lets users find specific types of devices connected to the internet.Shodan platform
SIGINTGathering information from communication signals, like intercepted radio transmissions or digital communications.Not specific to social media platforms; more relevant to communication and intelligence gathering sectors
SnapA 'snap' when talking about Snapchat typically refers to a photo or video message that you send using the Snapchat app.Snapchat
Social CapitalSocial capital is the networks, relationships, and values that arise from social interaction.LinkedIn, Facebook
Social EngineeringManipulating people into divulging confidential information.Various online platforms
Social NetworkOnline platforms used to interact with others in a social environmentFacebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, LinkedIn, Etc.
Sock PuppetAn online identity used for purposes of deception, often in online forums.Social media, forums
SOCMINTStands for Social Media Intelligence, is about collecting and understanding information from social media platforms.All major social media platforms including Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, LinkedIn
SourceThe origin of information, such as a website, social media platform, or publication.Not specific to a platform; applicable across various platforms
SpamSpam is unsolicited or irrelevant messages sent over the internet, typically to advertise.Email, all major platforms
Spear PhishingA targeted phishing attack on a specific individual or organization.Email, fraudulent websites
Sponsored ContentSponsored content is paid advertising that blends in with the regular content on a platform.All major platforms
StoryA Story is a short, temporary video or image that appears for 24 hours.Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat
SubscribeSubscribing means following a channel to receive regular updates.YouTube
SwipeSwiping involves moving fingers across a screen to navigate or make a selection.Tinder, various mobile apps
TagTagging involves linking to another user's profile or content.Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter)
Targeted AdvertisingTargeted advertising is showing ads to a specific audience based on demographics or behavior.All major platforms
Threat IntelligenceThe analysis of data to identify, assess, and proactively address potential threats.Various cybersecurity platforms
Threat ModelIdentifying potential threats and vulnerabilities to develop appropriate security strategies.Not specific to a platform; relevant across various cybersecurity and IT platforms
ThumbnailA thumbnail is a small image or preview of larger media, often used to provide a quick overview.YouTube, all major platforms
TimelineA timeline is a chronological display of a user's posts and activity.Facebook, X (Twitter), LinkedIn
TrendingTrending refers to topics that are currently popular or widely discussed online.X (Twitter), Facebook, YouTube
TrollA troll is a person who posts inflammatory or off-topic messages to provoke others.All major platforms
TweetA tweet is a message posted on X (Twitter), consisting of 280 characters or less.X (Twitter)
Two-Factor AuthenticationTwo-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring two forms of identification.All major platforms
Unfriend/UnfollowUnfriending or unfollowing involves removing someone from a list of friends or followers.Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram
User-Generated ContentUser-generated content is any form of content created by users rather than by the site or company.All major platforms
UsernameA username is a word or combination of characters used that is unique and usually chosen identifier for a person. Also known as an online moniker.All major platforms including Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, Reddit
VerificationEnsuring the accuracy and reliability of the gathered information.Not specific to a platform; applicable across various platforms and contexts
Verification BadgeA verification badge is a checkmark that appears next to a profile to confirm authenticity.X (Twitter), Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn
Virtual MachineA software emulation of a physical computer system.N/A
VlogA vlog is a video blog or video log, typically hosted on YouTube.YouTube
VPNVirtual Private Network, used to create a secure network connection over a public network.Various VPN services
Watering Hole AttackAttacking a specific group by infecting websites that the group is known to visit.Targeted websites
Wayback MachineAn archive of web pages, showing what web pages looked like at various points in time.Internet Archive
Web BrowserSoftware that allows you to access the World Wide WebChrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, IE (old)
Web ScrapingWeb scraping involves extracting large amounts of data from websites.N/A
WebinarA webinar is a seminar conducted over the Internet, often used for educational purposes.Zoom, Skype, WebEx
WhalingA specific type of phishing attack aimed at high-profile targets like executives.Email, fraudulent websites
WHOISProvides information about who owns or operates a specific website or domain name on the internet.Not applicable to specific social media platforms
WidgetA widget is a small application that provides specific functions or content on a webpage.Various websites
WiFiWiFi is a technology that allows devices to connect to the internet wirelessly.N/A
WikiA wiki is a website that allows collaborative editing of content by users.Wikipedia
Zero-Day VulnerabilityA flaw in software that is unknown to the party responsible for patching or fixing the flaw.Various software
ZoomZooming involves making content larger or smaller on a screen.All major platforms

Minimum Requirements:

  • 8 Characters
  • 1 Upper
  • 1 Lower
  • 1 Digit