Best OSINT Tools (Paid): Ritu Gill’s Top Picks

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Ritu Gill

March 22, 2024

As an OSINT professional, the depth and quality of information I can uncover is pivotal to my work. That's why I'm meticulous about the tools I use.

Among the various resources available, I've relied on a select few paid tools that consistently provide the edge needed for deep and insightful investigations.

Two tools, Shadow Dragon and Maltego, are my main paid software tools due to their robust capabilities and reliability.

They've not only streamlined my process but have also significantly enhanced the quality of evidence I gather.

Additionally, I've had rewarding experiences experimenting with other premium tools that have proven their worth in the field.

In this article, I'll take you through the tools I vouch for, sharing insights on how they can elevate your investigative work just as they have mine.

Shadow Dragon - SocialNet

Shadow Dragon - SocialNet

Social Net is a cutting-edge platform for collecting social media intelligence (SOCMINT).

It empowers investigators with the tools to track, analyze, and make sense of the vast data available across social networks.

With SocialNet, you can dive deep into the digital social landscape to uncover public posts, profile details, connections, and interactions that could be the key to your case.

It's not just about having access to information; it's about being able to piece together a narrative from the threads scattered across the online tapestry of social media.

Use Case for OSINT Investigators:

An OSINT analyst is investigating a network of counterfeit merchandise sellers on social media.

Utilizing Shadow Dragon’s SocialNet, the analyst efficiently sifts through vast social media data to identify key suspects, map their connections, and trace the distribution channels.

This comprehensive social media intelligence leads to actionable insights, enabling law enforcement to dismantle the network.

Why I Like It:

What sets Shadow Dragon’s SocialNet apart is its laser-focused functionality for SOCMINT.

It's not just another tool; it's an investigator's ally in navigating complex social interactions online.

Its ability to collate and cross-reference data from multiple social platforms means I can quickly piece together a person's online presence, understand their networks, and potentially anticipate their actions.

It's like having a digital magnifying glass to zoom in on the most pertinent social media clues.

Highlighted Features:

  • Advanced Search Across Platforms: Enables precise searches across key social media platforms, uncovering posts, profiles, and connections critical to investigations.
  • Data Visualization Tools: Facilitates the visualization of social network connections, enabling users to identify relationships and patterns effectively.
  • Geo-Tagging Functionality: Allows users to geolocate posts and activities, providing valuable location-based intelligence.
  • Real-time Monitoring: Provides timely alerts and notifications based on user-defined criteria, ensuring proactive intelligence gathering.

For more info, visit:



Within the OSINT community, Maltego is heralded as a premier investigative tool designed to significantly enhance the collection, analysis, and visualization of a wide array of data sets.

At its core, Maltego excels in integrating diverse data sources, including open source intelligence, exclusive intel feeds, and internal databases, making it an invaluable asset for comprehensive investigations.

Its specialization in data mining, link analysis, and detailed data visualization allows investigators to decode complex relationships and uncover hidden patterns crucial to their work.

While the free Community edition of Maltego provides foundational functionalities, leveraging paid external services unlocks its full spectrum of potential. These services extend Maltego’s analytical capabilities and enable deeper insights into data analysis and exploring connections within expansive datasets.

Use Case for OSINT Analysts:

A corporate OSINT analyst is tasked with uncovering potential threats to the company’s intellectual property. By leveraging Maltego, they collect and visualize data from various sources, revealing an intricate web of information leakage orchestrated by a competitor. The visual link analysis helps the analyst identify the source of the leak and understand the competitor’s tactics.

Why I Like It:

Maltego has become indispensable in my toolkit because of its unparalleled versatility and robust data processing power. It transforms overwhelming datasets into understandable, visually mapped networks of relationships and interactions. This capability is not just about seeing the connections; it’s about discovering the unseen – the covert links and hidden patterns buried within the data. With Maltego, I can navigate through complex investigations with clarity, making it possible to uncover the critical evidence that would otherwise remain hidden. It’s not just a tool; it’s a game-changer for investigative work, offering clarity in a world overwhelmed by data.

Highlighted Features:

  • Graphical Link Analysis: Enables users to visually map connections between various entities, such as people, organizations, and locations.
  • Integration with External Data Sources: Facilitates seamless integration with numerous data providers and APIs, allowing users to access diverse datasets within the Maltego interface.
  • Transform Functionality: Empowers users to perform automated data transformations and queries, streamlining the investigative process.
  • Collaboration Features: Supports collaborative investigations through shared graphs and workspaces, fostering teamwork and knowledge sharing.

For more info, visit:



Skopenow is an innovative platform designed to aggregate and analyze online data, serving as a powerful ally for investigators seeking to unearth insights and connections. It specializes in social media collection, people searches, and comprehensive data analysis, making it a cornerstone for effective OSINT operations.

Skopenow is a standout tool because it focuses on deep web searches and detailed analysis of online footprints. It is finely tuned for tasks such as identity verification, due diligence, and risk assessment, offering precise search capabilities that go beyond surface-level data to reveal meaningful information hidden in the depths of the internet.

Use Case for OSINT Investigators:

In the context of a background check for a high-profile executive hire, an OSINT investigator uses Skopenow to compile a comprehensive report. The platform's identity resolution and social media collection tools uncover discrepancies between the executive’s provided history and online behaviours, revealing undisclosed affiliations that pose a risk to the hiring company.

Why I Like It:

Skopenow is exceptional in navigating the complexities of the internet to deliver actionable intelligence. Its ability to dissect an individual’s online presence and connect disparate pieces of information is invaluable for thorough investigations. Whether verifying a person's identity or assessing potential risks, Skopenow provides the clarity and depth needed to make informed decisions.

Highlighted Features:

  • Identity Resolution: Provides advanced algorithms for resolving and correlating identities across disparate online sources, enabling accurate profiling and verification.
  • Social Media Analysis: Collects from various social media platforms and online sources for mentions, posts, and other relevant activities.
  • Risk Scoring and Alerting: Assigns risk scores to individuals based on their online footprint and behaviour, allowing users to prioritize investigations and mitigate potential threats.
  • Behaviour Analysis: Utilizes keyword analytics and computer vision to identify threats and risks across text and images online.

For more info, visit:

Authentic8 - Silo for Research

Authentic8 - Silo for Research

Authentic8 transforms the landscape of secure online investigations with its Silo platform, a fortress of privacy and security for OSINT investigators. Designed to shield investigators' identities and activities, Silo ensures that online research can be conducted without the risk of exposing IP addresses or any personal information.

But what sets Silo apart is its commitment to providing a secure and isolated browsing environment engineered explicitly for the needs of OSINT operations. It safeguards user privacy and facilitates effortless access to internet resources without compromising security.

Use Case for OSINT Analysts:

An OSINT analyst focusing on cyber threat intelligence is investigating a suspected malware distribution network. Using Authentic8 - Silo for Research to anonymously and securely access dark web forums and malware repositories, the analyst gathers crucial evidence without exposing their identity or compromising their operational security. This leads to the identification of key operators within the network.

Why I Like It:

Authentic8 - Silo for Research is a tool I believe every OSINT investigator should be aware of. It creates a secure and isolated environment ideal for conducting online research. This level of security is crucial in protecting the integrity of investigations and the anonymity of investigators, making it a valuable asset for anyone in the field of OSINT.

Highlighted Features:

  • Isolated Browser Sessions: Ensures complete isolation of browsing sessions from the user's local environment, minimizing the risk of exposure to malicious content and tracking mechanisms.
  • Identity Cloaking: Masks the user's digital footprint and identity attributes, enhancing anonymity and operational security during online investigations.
  • Managed Attribution: Users can initiate sessions from suitable regions for their investigations, adjusting language, time zone, OS, and device preferences. Additionally, they can utilize built-in tools for translation, screenshots, annotation, and web browsing without retaining past web activity.
  • Policy Enforcement: Allows administrators to enforce granular access controls and security policies, ensuring compliance with organizational requirements and regulatory standards.

For more info, visit:



Kasm is at the forefront of secure, containerized browsing technology, providing OSINT investigators with a dynamic platform for conducting online research with an added layer of security. This web-based application delivers on-demand browser isolation, ensuring that any potentially harmful content is kept at bay and sensitive investigations remain secure from cyber threats.

With Kasm, users can access and analyze online data without risking malware infections or data breaches, preserving the integrity of their work and personal security. Kasm's ability to offer a customizable and controlled browsing environment makes it particularly appealing. Investigators can tailor their online experience to suit specific operational needs, ranging from adjusting security settings to accessing region-locked content, all while maintaining complete anonymity.

Use Case for OSINT Investigators:

A team of OSINT investigators is monitoring online extremist groups for potential threats. With Kasm's secure, containerized browsing, they access and analyze propaganda materials, recruitment messages, and communication channels across different online platforms. This secure method of investigation allows them to gather intelligence on the groups’ structures and planned activities without risking malware infection or revealing their surveillance efforts.

Why I Like It:

Although Kasm isn't a tool I use every day, it is one that I would like to start using in the future. It's a powerful solution for maintaining operational security and privacy in an era where digital threats are increasingly sophisticated. Kasm's containerized browsing protects against direct attacks and accidental exposure to harmful content, making it an excellent choice for investigators who prioritize safety and confidentiality in their digital explorations.

Highlighted Features:

  • On-Demand Containerization: Deploys browser sessions and applications within disposable, secure containers.
  • Comprehensive Application Support: Provides access to a wide range of applications and desktop environments, all within a secure, containerized workspace.
  • Customizable Security Settings: Adjust security settings to meet specific project requirements, including VPN configurations, and proxy settings.
  • Zero-Footprint Browsing: Leaves no trace of the user's activities on their physical device, as all operations are performed within the containerized environment, ensuring a clean operational slate after every session.
  • Remote Accessibility: Offers the ability to securely access workspaces and applications from any device with an internet connection, providing flexibility and mobility for users on the go.

For more info, visit:

Empowering Investigations

In the elaborate framework of online investigations, the right tools illuminate the path and redefine the journey.

Each tool, with its specialized capabilities and unique strengths, plays a pivotal role in peeling back the layers of digital anonymity to reveal the core truths hidden in the expanse of online data.

They empower us, investigators and intelligence professionals, to not just chase shadows but to illuminate the unseen, turning the elusive into the evident.

As we conclude our exploration of paid software solutions for OSINT, it's important to acknowledge the diverse landscape of tools available to investigators and researchers.

Among these offerings, I proudly mention the Forensic OSINT browser extension, an app I co-founded. Developed with a commitment to enhancing the OSINT experience, our extension strives to provide users with a seamless and efficient means of capturing content online.

Our extension offers a unique perspective and functionality tailored to the needs of modern investigators. With features designed to streamline the data collection and analysis process, the Forensic OSINT browser extension is a testament to our dedication to the field.

We invite you to explore its capabilities and discover how it can complement your investigative toolkit. In a landscape where innovation is critical, we humbly offer our extension as a valuable addition to the OSINT community.

Minimum Requirements:

  • 8 Characters
  • 1 Upper
  • 1 Lower
  • 1 Digit